Monday, October 7, 2013

Post 1: Gender & Urban Landscapes

The first text that was selected for analyzation is Liz Bondi's, Gender Symbols and Urban Landscapes. Gender is an elemental, omnipresent and presumed facet of urban life. It is an authoritative measure of urban integrity, an arbor of urban discrimination, and it enlivens the everyday rituals that define and comprise cities, and the lives of those who live within them. Gender is also a complicated and shifty idea that holds an expanse of interconnected connotations. In addition to that this essay also addresses language and the usage within particular different areas are far permanent or comprehensible

While reading this text one contemplates three types of gender inquirys of urban life, these address gender through exemplify identification, communal affiliations, and functionality appropriately. As a measure of exemplified identities, gender spotlights on how everyday urban occurrences correlate to, and are affected by, the corporal classifications “male” and “female”. While gender is epitomized by singular human beings it doesn't dwell as a whole within human bodies but is produced at the intersections between human bodies and the ambiance that besieges them. As a aspect of those encircling  atmospheres, it comprises a social affiliation or formulated standard of urban life. Gendered people mobilize significations or writings of of gender, thus the concept of gender as utterance noted in everyday lives. The reading analyzes how each perception to gender notifies comprehension of urban life and bring to the forefront, the particularity of cities. 


  1. I think it would be interesting to narrow it down to one city or place so that it's more cohesive and relatable. There are a lot of source options for this topic. I think you should consider using our preparatory texts as additional inspiration or sources. Neufeld, and Lippard tie in really well with this subject.

  2. Maybe to develop your research you can compare gender roles in urban settings with other settings. Maybe find some articles on how gender roles are formed in rural places or in different countries outside the United States? I think a comparison will let you understand what makes gender roles in urban areas unique.
